September 19, 2017 5:07 pm
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Unless you are in the medical field, you may not know that there are several types of surgery tables used by medical professionals. In fact, you may be thinking only of the type of flat-laying surgical table surgeons use in the movies—a general surgery table. As an important functional part of any surgical procedure, surgical tables must remain simple, yet still conform to the patient’s needs whether they need to be lying on their back or side, sitting up or leaning back. As medical technology progresses, so increases the importance and role of surgical tables. Let’s review three of the different types of surgery tables you should consider when looking into new surgical equipment in Lubbock, TX. General surgery tables... View Article
August 31, 2017 2:11 am
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When it comes to purchasing medical equipment, the question of cost is one of the first things that comes up. You can’t afford to have low quality or inoperative equipment, but brand new equipment is often prohibitively expensive. One solution that many care providers have found to reduce costs while still delivering quality is to purchase refurbished medical equipment in Lubbock, TX. This way, you can maintain a high quality of care while saving the amount of money that would have gone toward a brand new piece of equipment. Why choose refurbished equipment? Refurbishment in relation to medical equipment simply indicates that a piece of equipment that was previously owned has been repaired or restored in some way. These repairs... View Article
August 17, 2017 2:11 am
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In a workplace, church or office, there are a number of safeguards in place in order to keep the environment as safe and orderly as possible. An office building might conduct monthly fire drills in order to keep employees prepared in the case of a fire, or a church might keep a first aid kit on hand in case somebody sustains a minor injury. Another common safeguard that can sometimes be overlooked is an automated external defibrillator (AED). While this might not be at the very top of the list of priorities within a workplace, it is nevertheless an essential piece of equipment to have available at a moment’s notice. Each year in the United States, over 350,000 people die... View Article
July 27, 2017 9:45 pm
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Your laboratory consistently strives for accurate, effective readouts. Older or damaged equipment, however, can make it impossible to provide your patients with the high-quality and quickly produced results that they need. Determining whether to upgrade or replace your existing lab gear is one of the most substantial financial decisions that doctors’ offices, hospitals and medical clinics can make. Medical equipment in Lubbock, TX represents a substantial investment, whether you are purchasing or retrofitting it. Medical equipment in Lubbock, TX that has not been regularly maintained, calibrated and serviced is likely to put out inaccurate results. These miscalculations can be extremely dangerous for both your site’s reputation and your patients’ health. Replacing equipment The age and expense of the original piece... View Article
July 13, 2017 9:45 pm
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Modern medical equipment is capable of performing veritable miracles. Due to their complex nature, however, the life-saving technologies that have become ubiquitous in many doctors’ offices, emergency rooms and health clinics are susceptible to a myriad of maintenance issues. Regularly obtaining medical equipment repair in Lubbock, TX can help extend the life of your medical institution’s valuable gear. It goes without saying that the dependability of your clinic’s medical gear should never be questionable. If you are even vaguely concerned that it has been a substantial amount of time since your site last received medical equipment repair in Lubbock, TX, it should be taken as a sign that it’s time to schedule a service appointment. While some private and government-operated... View Article