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The Importance of Instrument Washers for Your Central Sterile Services Department in Lubbock, TX

July 31, 2019 2:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In a hospital, sterility is incredibly important to the health of patients, care providers, staff members and visitors. If instruments are not decontaminated properly or effectively, it increases the risk of infection and contamination that can cause long-lasting health issues, especially to people with compromised immune systems. Because of the importance of sterilization, hospitals have central sterile services departments (CSSDs) that are responsible for coordinating instrument cleaning and decontamination. Read on to find out more about what these departments do and why instrument washers for your central sterile services department in Lubbock, TX are so important. CSSD basics In the interest of maintaining an uncontaminated workplace within a hospital and preventing harmful bacteria or infections from passing onto patients, hospitals... View Article

The Importance of Reliable Smoke Evacuation and Defibrillation Equipment in Lubbock, TX

July 17, 2019 2:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Many people outside of the medical community may not consider smoke to be a problem in the operating room, but doctors, nurses and hospital administrators know just how important it is to consider smoke remediation during surgeries. Electro-surgical equipment that is becoming more and more popular can generate a significant amount of smoke while in use. Not only can this smoke distract physicians by obstructing their view, but it can also pose a health risk to people in the operating room who are exposed to it. To protect the members of your hospital staff, it’s important to invest in smoke evacuators. Basics of smoke evacuation A smoke evacuation system is simply a vacuum system that pulls smoke from the air... View Article

What Type of Vital Signs Monitor Do I Need at My Healthcare Facility?

June 27, 2019 6:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you operate or manage a healthcare facility, you may be wondering what kinds of patient vital signs monitors in Lubbock, TX are most appropriate for the type of care that you provide. Vital signs monitors are one of the most essential pieces of equipment in any healthcare setting. They provide you with a real-time analysis of the status of your patients—you can use your vital signs monitors to determine their heart rate, body temperature and more. High-end monitors offer extensive readouts providing you with a comprehensive analysis of virtually every aspect of the patient’s health. These systems, however, are quite expensive and may not be necessary in every medical setting. It’s important to select a monitor that meets your... View Article

How to Choose the Right Defibrillation Equipment

June 13, 2019 6:30 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re a medical professional, you know all about the lifesaving power of defibrillation equipment. Defibrillators are staples of most medical offices; they’re essential pieces of equipment to keep in your specialty clinic, dentist’s office or hospital. Defibrillators are also valuable to keep around businesses and institutions, like public swimming pools and schools. Choosing the right defibrillator for you and your organization, however, can be a true challenge. There are lots of different defibrillators available on the market today, meaning that you have plenty of different options to choose from. This means that you may be overwhelmed by all of the different selections available to you—after all, it’s important to ensure that you’re buying medical equipment that meets the needs... View Article

Provide Full-Service Care with New and Used Clinic Equipment in Lubbock, TX

May 30, 2019 6:49 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How equipped is your clinic? Do you have everything you need to provide various levels of care? Are you limited by a lack of new and used clinic equipment in Lubbock, TX? It’s important to have a full range of equipment on hand to handle whatever needs may arise as you treat patients. Consider the following levels of care and the equipment they require. Then, decide if you are in need of additional new and used clinic equipment in Lubbock, TX: Assessing: The first line of treatment is assessing the patient. Do you have the right equipment to properly assess their condition and needs? Exam tables, power exam tables, roll-around lamps and scopes are just a few of the essentials... View Article