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How Much Does a Defibrillator Cost?

September 26, 2018 6:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Defibrillators are one of the most significant medical breakthroughs in modern history. These amazing, portable machines are capable of restarting a heart that’s entered cardiac arrest. Having a defibrillator on-site at your health care clinic, store, public pool or other public space can help you save lives. Unfortunately, defibrillators can be prohibitively expensive for some consumers. Most defibrillators range between $1,200 and $2,500 in cost, depending on the type of defibrillator you choose to purchase. Additionally, it’s advisable that at least one person at your home, business or institution goes through defibrillator training; this typically costs upward of $1,000. Replacing the batteries in the defibrillator costs as much as $150 each year. All of these costs can add up for... View Article

What Is Durable Medical Equipment?

September 12, 2018 6:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Durable medical equipment (DME) is an essential part of the recovery process. Whether they’ve recently undergone surgery or are transitioning to a new stage of their life, DME can help patients perform the motions necessary to advance through a range of healthcare challenges. DME includes a range of reusable, long-lasting pieces of medical equipment. To qualify to receive DME, patients need to receive a prescription from their physician. Typically, insurance companies pay for patients to receive DME; however, not all DME claims qualify. Confusion over whether or not a specific piece of DME is covered by insurance can result in financial hardship and damages for patients. Learning about the insurance and financial regulations surrounding durable medical equipment in Lubbock, TX... View Article

The Importance of Early Defibrillation

August 29, 2018 4:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When it comes to potentially life threatening situations, every second and minute counts. It is important for people with the proper training and knowledge to take immediate action to employ life-saving measures, especially if you will need to wait for emergency personnel to arrive. When ventricular fibrillation occurs, numerous studies have shown that the only effective treatment is prompt defibrillation. However, many people do not realize that defibrillation is only truly effective when administered within the first few minutes of an episode of sudden cardiac arrest. Again, every second and every minute count. Here is some information from a company specializing in AED sales in Lubbock, TX about the importance of early defibrillation. Survival rate research One study published in... View Article

Save on Used Autoclaves When Purchasing Medical Equipment in Lubbock, TX

August 15, 2018 4:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical equipment tends to be quite expensive, to say the least. As a result, many facilities go years before they finally decide to upgrade equipment that has long since become outdated, obsolete or at least partially non-functional. It’s our goal at Stat Biomedical Inc. to offer products and solutions that allow medical facilities to get the equipment they need at a price point they can afford, so they can continue providing the best possible care without having to bankrupt themselves to do so. With this in mind, we offer used, reconditioned equipment at a much lower price point than the new equipment we offer, including autoclaves. Of course, as with any other type of medical equipment in Lubbock, TX, you... View Article

Signs You Need to Repair or Replace Your Ultrasound Probes

July 26, 2018 5:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every now and then, ultrasound probes can get damaged and need repairs (or, if the damage is significant enough, necessitate replacement). Damaged probes can be dangerous for techs and patients alike, and can lead to improper diagnoses. Here are a few of the most common issues that arise with ultrasound probes that could indicate you need to call for medical equipment repair in Lubbock, TX: Lines showing up on the screen: If you have black lines that appear in the image, this isn’t normal. These lines occur when one of the piezoelectric crystals stops sending or receiving signals. If the problem gets significant enough, this could impact a diagnosis. Cable sheath damage: If your cables have small cuts or tears... View Article