The Importance of Early Defibrillation
August 29, 2018 4:51 pm Leave your thoughtsWhen it comes to potentially life threatening situations, every second and minute counts. It is important for people with the proper training and knowledge to take immediate action to employ life-saving measures, especially if you will need to wait for emergency personnel to arrive.
When ventricular fibrillation occurs, numerous studies have shown that the only effective treatment is prompt defibrillation. However, many people do not realize that defibrillation is only truly effective when administered within the first few minutes of an episode of sudden cardiac arrest. Again, every second and every minute count.
Here is some information from a company specializing in AED sales in Lubbock, TX about the importance of early defibrillation.
Survival rate research
One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000 indicates survival rates for people with cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation are at their peak when defibrillation is delivered within three minutes of the cardiac arrest episode. This research has since been backed up by subsequent studies at multiple research facilities across the world.
One study analyzed 28 victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Of those 28, 86 percent left the venue alive when treated on site with a defibrillator, which is significantly higher than the average survival rate of those not treated with a defibrillator (three percent).
Defibrillators must be readily available
Of course, quick use of a defibrillator can only be accomplished if the defibrillator is readily available in a convenient location. Greater availability of defibrillators will help improve response times drastically. They should be placed throughout facilities in a manner similar to fire extinguishers, in that there should be one within reasonable reach at all times in case of an emergency.
While defibrillators are definitely becoming more widespread, there is still a long way to go before they become as prevalent in public facilities as they should be. Even in emergency response vehicles, defibrillators are not as ubiquitous as one might expect. While 90 percent of ambulances carry defibrillators, estimates are that only 10 to 15 percent of first-response fire department vehicles have defibrillators, and less than one percent of police vehicles.
With the importance of defibrillator availability in mind, it is also important, then, for program leaders and facility managers to increase the education of staff about the use of defibrillators to increase their readiness for an emergency situation. Once this has been accomplished, it is important to increase the number of defibrillators available. While there is no single overarching formula to help you determine exactly how many defibrillators you need and where to place them, you should spend some time considering these issues as part of an overall emergency management plan at your facility. Consider different parts of the facility and how close a person is to a defibrillator at any given time. Guidelines recommend defibrillators should be no more than three minutes away.
For more information about the efficient and expeditious use of a defibrillator, contact Stat Biomedical Inc. to discuss your options for AED sales in Lubbock, TX.
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